New Roof for a Fairbanks Elder

Our 2 Cents Fairbanks Inc. provided a BRAND NEW ROOF for a wonderful, deserving Fairbanks elder on September 8th, 2018!  O2C partnered with Plenty For All in order to identify this individual and their need. Thank you to Jane Trainor and her board of directors at Plenty For All, an organization that provides financial assistance as well as financial counseling and planning to fiscally responsible homeowners who find themselves in a financial crisis.  

O2C also partnered with ACE Roofing LLC., who went way above and beyond the projects original scope, which was to patch and repair the elder’s roof, and not only did they donate 100% of the labor required but they provided high quality materials at wholesale prices and donated a large portion of the materials needed so that the roof wasn’t given a band-aid, but a lasting and guaranteed fix – they did all of this so that O2C could provide this lovely elder with a brand new roof and stay within our $3,000 budget.  

This August in Fairbanks was exceptionally rainy and each time it rained I thought of this project and worried, imagining that leaky roof.  Just as soon as you, our incredible donors, fully funded this project, Andre Carrillo and Wakan Wilson of ACE Roofing made time in their schedule and donated 24 hours of their labor, on a sunny September weekend that was perfect for roofing.  Our exceptionally rainy August was followed by an exceptionally rainy September and then a very cold and wet October, and every time it rained I thought of this project. Only now with a smile, knowing that home was warm and dry with a new roof provided by our loving community.  

All of our projects have been, so far, a mixture of various parts of our community coming together to meet a specific need in Fairbanks.  We could not have conceived of this project without Plenty For All and we could not have completed this project without ACE Roofing. But none of it would be possible without the help from all of YOU individuals who have supported O2C with your monthly donations and your one-time donations.  This nonprofit belongs to each of you and every project that is completed is thanks to you. Thank you <3

Thank you again to Plenty For All for the work you do and the love you spread in Fairbanks, AK.

And thank you to our good friends at ACE Roofing, you have hearts of gold.

-Grace Wilson


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