Home Repair for a Fairbanks Elder
This project will enable Plenty for All to provide a new roof for a deserving Fairbanks elder in need.
This project seeks to directly impact a Fairbanks elder in need by funding a badly needed home roof repair.
Plenty for All's mission over the years has been to pay mortgages directly to lenders in order to keep their recipients out of foreclosure. They have recently voted to amend their mission statement to allow allocation of funds for home repair - another avenue to help homeowners confront a crises that may have otherwise led to foreclosure or homelessness. They primarily raise funds by selling artwork through their website and hosting home concerts and other art centered events and fundraisers.
Plenty For All is a 100% volunteer run 501c3 that holds fundraisers centered around the arts and applies for grants. Their mission is to serve fiscally responsible homeowners who run into a financial crisis, in order to keep them current with their mortgage. They serve home and land owners in need who are going through a difficult time. Plenty For All works to serve anyone on the socio-economic spectrum.
Plenty For All also makes and delivers free homemade meals in a box to families in need. The meals are delivered to the disabled, to elders, and the very poor. They gather food, make meals and deliver them on most Saturdays of every year.

Ron Trainor, Board Member and Jane
Trainor, President and Founder
Trainor, President and Founder
My life purpose is to serve humanity by extending genuine acts of loving care that I hope will open up the heart of the receiver so that they may spontaneously extend their love and care into the world.Jane Trainor (President & Founder)