The Interior Alaska Cancer Association
This project seeks to fund the need for heating oil for patients.

IACA is asking for community support via this project to provide heating grants to people undergoing cancer treatment in 2019. $5400 will purchase about 1800 gallons of oil. This won't serve all their clients needs, but it will be a huge help to those that do benefit!
Most of The Interior Alaska Cancer Association's clients come to them by referral by a patient navigator at the Cancer Center at FMH. Navigators help clients access social services and clients are referred to IACA as a last resort when all other options are exhausted.
No one ever expects to receive a cancer diagnosis and with nearly 80% of Americans living paycheck to paycheck, a life threatening cancer diagnosis that requires intensive, costly treatment can wreak havoc on a person's financial well-being and their ability to stay afloat financially while going through treatment. This project will assist the IACA in their mission to help individuals receiving cancer treatment to focus on healing instead of worrying about how they will pay for basic living expenses.
IACA will use 100% of this community sponsored grant for heating costs for clients.