Safe Phones for Survivors

Safe Phones for Survivors
This project aims to raise $7,500 to purchase prepaid cell phones for survivors who access services at the Interior Alaska Center for Non-Violent Living. The use of technology has become prevalent among abusers to control and stalk their victims. Often abusers can access their victim's phones and track their location or phone call records. Most survivors we talked to say they can not call for help because their abuser would often track, break, or monitor their phone. Our agency strives to focus on safety and provide a lifeline to those who need help; this can be challenging if survivors don't have a safe way to reach out to us or the police.
Prepaid phones can offer privacy, protection, and independence to those who may feel economically trapped in an abusive situation because of reliance on an abuser's phone plan or because they don't have access to a safe phone. Prepaid phones can ensure survivors' activities, including calls for help, are not reflected in abusers' monthly cell phone plans and equip survivors with a vital tool to rebuild their lives. Access to prepaid cell phones can be the link to safety, allowing survivors to call the police, our domestic violence crisis hotlines, or friends for help. This additional safety measure provides unparalleled anonymity and is often the only option for survivors who do not have the credit or personal finances to purchase a regular plan.