New Training


This project seeks to raise $5,000 to fund the construction of a greenhouse at Chinook Montessori School! The greenhouse will be onsite to offer hands on lessons and learning about agriculture, food insecurity, solar technology and more. All vegetables grown in the greenhouse by students will be donated to our local food bank, soup kitchens, and shelters.

From Chinook Montessori:
"This greenhouse will allow us to provide more hands-on real-world opportunities to our students, helping them gain experience and understanding in agricultural sciences and solar technologies! We will also use our greenhouse as an opportunity for leadership training by delegating much of the management to our 7th and 8th grade classes. We believe that experience based learning can be profoundly impactful for students and the opportunities that this greenhouse will present to teach self reliance, self discipline and community involvement will help prepare our students to be successful adults!"
Chinook Montessori is a K-8 school that serves 150 students in the Fairbanks North Star Borough.

Total cost of project: $5,000.00

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Total cost of project: $5,000.00