Celebrating Literacy Council Graduates!

Celebrating Literacy Council Graduates! 
Our latest project aims to deliver celebration boxes to the spring graduates of The Literacy Council of Alaska's GED program and provide $1,000 to LCA to cover the cost of their graduation celebration's food, balloons and photography. We are thrilled to help celebrate the accomplishments of the Literacy Council's Spring graduates! Thanks to a generous donation from P.E.O's (Philanthropic Educational Organization) Fairbanks chapter and Our 2 Cents' monthly donations, we already have enough funding to purchase items for the celebration boxes!
The Literacy Council's GED Program serves students across Interior Alaska and the North Slope Borough. They enroll students year-round and offer personalized education plans for each student getting their GED. They offer open study hall hours Monday-Thursday from 10-4 and Saturdays from 10-12 and their on site tutor is there to help students with whatever subject they're prepping for. Last fiscal year they had over 80 graduates and in January they enrolled 32 new students to start their GED journey! 
Twice a year, the Literacy Council hosts a graduation for their students to celebrate their hard work! In past years, this event included professional photos, speeches from alumni and staff, a traditional ceremony where students receive diplomas, and gifts for each student. Graduation means a lot to LCA students who were unable to finish high school the traditional way, whether they have been out of school for two years or twenty! They expect to have around 30 graduates attend the upcoming graduation ceremony March 23rd. 

Total cost of project: $1,800

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Total cost of project: $1,800