Helping Families and Children During Covid-19

This project will benefit the Interior Alaska Center For Non-Violent Living AND the general community equally - we are currently discussing logistics of distribution points and safe ways to distribute care packages of diapers, wipes & formula at no cost to Fairbanks families in need! Please keep in mind that we will be placing a bulk order that we will pick up directly from the warehouse - this order will not contribute to any empty shelves in grocery stores as there has not been an interruption in supply.
During this unprecedented time, while we all navigate these uncharted territories of Covid-19 and the financial hardships and encertaintly that it brings with it, Our 2 Cents Fairbanks would like to supply $5000 of diapers, wipes and formula to the families at The Interior Alaska Center For Non-Violent Living AND directly to families in need in the Fairbanks Area.
Read More about IACNVL below:
Oftentimes survivors of domestic violence or sexual assault must leave essential items at the homes they are fleeing from. Therefore, our residents and outside clients of IAC's emergency shelter are in dire need of items such as diapers and pull-ups for their children as well as household and toiletry items such as towels, pillows, hygiene items, and blankets. Any and all donations that we receive allow us to provide these essential items to survivors without using funds that would otherwise pay for the other needs that we provide to include advocacy, referrals, and shelter.
IAC provides secure shelter and immediate safety for victims and their children who are experiencing domestic violence or sexual assault. IAC also provides crisis intervention, advocacy, and referrals, for those experiencing domestic violence, sexual assault or incest, and provides education and primary prevention programs to change community norms and make long-term systemic change. They serve any person who has been affected by domestic violence or sexual assault. Although IAC is located in the City of Fairbanks, we serve the entire Fairbanks North Star Borough and outlying areas as well as Interior Alaska, encompassing 42 villages.
In a given year, IAC typically provides 20,000 nights of safety and secure shelter to clients and their children experiencing violence in our community. Without our services, these survivors of all ages may not have been able to escape or may have had to experience homelessness.
When a survivor makes the brave decision to leave their perpetrator, they come to our shelter with only the clothes on their backs and nothing else. As an emergency shelter we provide them with the necessities of putting their life back together to include advocacy, education, and referrals, but also food, clothing, toiletries, and of course a place to call home. When donations are low, IAC pays for these items, taking away funds from other areas that need funding as well. Therefore, having these items donated enriches our organization tenfold.